

A number of small group Bible studies are held each week, please let us know if you would like details.

THURSDAYS   -   "Kids' Play, Parents' Breathe"

A dynamic parents' and kids' playgroup on Thursday morning 9:30am -11am. Contact Deb on 0412 245 133 for details. An opportunity for mums to take a breather, share a coffee, and have a chat while the kids play under supervision. Please find the details on our Facebook page.



Men's breakfasts, special events etc., as and when required. Watch this space!


9:30am: Morning service - Traditional 'no frills' service; Holy Communion, Readings, Church prayers, Worship in song, and a biblical message followed by fellowship morning tea.

NOTE: During COVID we are not gathering face-to-face, we are Zooming the morning service. Please let us know if you would like the details so that you can attend.


Upcoming Events: